
Greece 2024

Ed was not able to recover the blog entries for our trip to Greece this year so I'm rewriting it. He did recover the photos. I hope I remember everything important. 😁 June 3, 2024 Kalo Taxidi / Bon Voyage! Leaving Athens on a jet plane headed for Toronto and home after a great trip. June 2, 2024 Arrival in Athens: National Archaeological Museum  Today is our last full day of our trip to Greece. We arrived early in the morning on the overnight ferry from Crete. After a short and quick bus ride to the hotel to drop off our luggage and eat breakfast, we head off on a walking tour of Athens.   The ferry. We saw the changing of the guard on our second day in Greece. Today we caught the end of the changing of the guards and noticed the uniform was different.  The University of Athens. A closer view of the statues at the University of Athens. Walking a bit further we take the metro to go the National Archeological Museum, which is the largest museum in Greece. Here we meet our guide from